Friday, July 15, 2011

Hold On And Never Let Go

Something called love. There is this one thing that keeps bothering every human mind. Fascinating as it may be along with lifelong curiosity to feel it or rather embrace it. For those of who think love is some kind of butterflies in the tummy feeling, well of course you are wrong morons, its crush. You’ll get over it. The hard part is after that, not love but lust. Well to define love, it is the thin line between crush and lust, that’s why it’s hard to find, and hence the misplaced concepts. To put it in a honest to God way, its fucking confusing and gets more confusing while you go along. Like shit happens, same, love happens. And for that you have no one to blame, curse or even regret. Its up to you for what you make out of it. You can either let it destroy you or you can let it embrace the life in you. There’s always a choice in anything you come across. You just can’t see it yet. Not until its too late. Good guess is our only option. Just like the solution to your every possible problem is there in your head you just need to figure it out, given a little commitment and a fucking lot of obsession.

Keep your actions clean and intentions pure. Pure as not in the opposite of “sick” way, cause there’s not much left of a man if he doesn’t fantasize. Love is the purest form of element available in abundance around us, we just need the eyes to see it, senses to feel it. And loving your BF, GF is not the only kind of love, it bears many form, motherly warmth and caring is the best example, to be exact.

I’m not telling you to believe in “love will find you” kind of bullshit, cause I never did, well atleast not before I met her. I never thought we’d come to this. Standing by each other. I won’t lie to you, its tough, even more than tough, its fucked up. There are times you just lie in your bed at night not feeling a single goddamn thing, tears rolling down your fucking face and there’s nothing you can do about it except to accept it. The shit hurts, for days. The funny part is you cant even let it go, not even a bit. All the pain it brings is just a consolation. It’s a package deal, pain included. But when things look up, there is no better felling you could be filled with in your entire life. All the pain vanishes into thin air and leaves you crystalline solid happiness.

We’re all frustrated Indian youth, every second word that comes out of any teenager starts with a F and ends with a K, and trust me it’s not facebook. The thing is, the life of today, you really don’t know what to expect out of it. They say smoking kills you slow, let alone drinking. But the thing that needed to be understood is that life will kill you, its heavy..but to be honest life gives a fuck about you only if you don’t give a fuck about it. Yeah, the concept of ignorance works great, more than you ever could expect. But the thing I want to tell you is that we’ve all got one life and that, unfortunately, is not so long. So love is the only way that can pull us through and make the most out of this fucking life. And even if you beg to differ, smoking pot also gets the job done, partially. But who knows, I just a sick delusional lunatic on a lease. Let your heart explore what exactly do you need. And for those of you, who were offended by my recent writings, all is want to say is Fuck You.! Cause I’m back and I’m gonna write the shit out of this thing.

I don’t exactly think that this story had a great beginning and sure as hell not sure what to expect from the ending bt one thing that I’m damn sure about is that I gotta try. I don’t want mysylf looking back after 10 20 years from now and realizing that this was the best thing ever happened to me and was worth a shot, worth trying for, worth dying for. I don’t believe in chances , coincidences , all I know is that I believe what I see, or at least what makes sense. But its love that makes me believe. I don’t know what hope means or anything close to that but the thing I’m sure about is that love teaches you to hold on and never let go, because when it’s true, it’s hard to walk away. And this goes for everything, hold on and never let go, don’t it?